This post originally appeared as issue 249 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

The Daily Job Hunt

Video Pitch

Hey you.

Yeah you!

Why haven’t you emailed a video pitch for the job opp you want?

I mean, it’ll land you 80% response rates….

Here are 3 Tips on How to Make a Great Video Pitch.

Digifox is Hiring Customer Success Champs!

Digifox is an awesome crypto startup and if you like solving problems for people, then why not become their next Client Success Champ?

To stand out, it’ll help to prove you can use Intercom, a live chat tech tool. Maybe you start a free trial then make a screencast showing your knowledge of the tool.

Another project idea is to make a short mock script for how you would interact with a customer.

Pic of the Day