This post originally appeared as issue 244 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

The Daily Job Hunt

Startup Jobs

Startup jobs are everywhere. Why not go land one? Especially in today’s remote economy, the opportunity is abundant.

By the way, “startup” just means fast-growing company. They’re not just for 22 year olds drinking caffeine all day – they are for anyone who wants to work a meaningful mission.

No matter your past experience, if you show enthusiasm and send a custom pitch, you can land an interview.

Go after what you want. You are powerful.

P.S. Here’s our Guide to Startups (see all our guides on the Members Only page).

Do The Thing

I (Joel, author of DJH) just published my first book!

It’s called Do It Now: a finished book.

It’s in line with what I teach in this email: have a bias for imperfect action.

I don’t think my book is A+ work. But I finished it anyway.

That’s the point!

Go do things! Go create. Follow through on what you intend.

You can start now by buying the book for 7 bucks, then reading it (it’ll take you 6 minutes), then going and doing more things.

What are you waiting for?

Meme of the Day