This post originally appeared as issue 238 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.
Attitude is a Choice
Companies can be like referees.
Maybe they make the wrong call, they become temporarily blinded, or they don’t respond to your requests.
The question becomes, are you going to get mad at them?
Are you going to complain to that referee (the hiring manager)?
You can if you want. But it probably won’t help.
Instead, what if you processed your feelings, then just moved on to creating more value?
You always have a choice in attitude and mindset.
Break Into Tech Sales (Fast)
Sales Bootcamp is a 1-week, part-time, free online sales training program that gives you the skills you need to earn your first job in tech sales. No fees, no catch.
(Pro tip: as you go through the program, document your work. Then showcase that on a pitch to land that interview).
Learn Out Loud, Break Into a Field
A few years ago Amanda started learning out loud, while she was job hunting.
She took notes about a marketing podcast she was listening to – then posted the notes on Twitter.
From this one post she achieved two leads for marketing jobs, and a personal connection to legendary marketer Christopher Lochhead.
She wrote about the experience here. And here is the Tweet.
Show your work and magic can happen!
Quote of the Day
“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.”
— James Clear