This post originally appeared as issue 233 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

The Daily job Hunt


To run an effective job hunt, it’s helpful to balance the different components:

video pitching
emailing the hiring manager
following up
connecting to employees
building projects
negotiating job offers

Keep all of these in play. As a rule of thumb, do 1 thing each day for each. This will help you run a tight ship! Consider having 5-10 companies in motion at once, all in different stages if needed.

20 Best Marketing Podcasts

One of the strongest points we keep hammering home is that you can learn and become anything you want when you empower your curiosity and growth mindset.

Want to become a bad-ass marketer? Start fueling yourself with these 20 Marketing podcasts.

Quote of the Day

“The acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience.”— Mark Manson