This post originally appeared as issue 230 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

The Daily Job Hunt

How’s It Going?

The job hunt can be lonely, stressful, or frustrating.

That’s why we’re here, to support you!

So please, email me back and let me know, how’s it going? Would love to hear from you.

Maybe even better, join our free Slack group and post in there. Our whole team and community can chime in.

Learn, and Show Your Work

How are you spending your time? Are you learning each day?

Hop on and take some courses that catch your eye! You could dive into web development, marketing, e-commerce, productivity, and so much more. Follow your curiosity and have fun.

Be sure to document your work with a screencast or a blog post showing what you learn. Then showcase that on a Crash profile pitch, like this!

To move your career forward, you don’t need to go back to formal school. You just need to build your portfolio online.

Quote of the Day

“Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.”
— Leonardo da Vinci