This post originally appeared as issue 225 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

The Daily Job Hunt

Your Career is like Dating

If you were on the dating market, would you make a list of “10 reasons why I’m datable,” then go give your list to any guy or gal you can find?


You’d find someone you are actually interested in, then you’d approach them with genuine curiosity. You’d express your interest in THEM and ask questions about THEM.

Well, it’s the same with your career!

– When “networking,” find people you are genuinely interested to connect with.
– In finding new opportunities, discover people and companies that you are truly excited about.

Everyone wins with this approach!

6 Ways You Win Even if You Don’t Get the Job

We teach to skip the resume and send a video pitch instead. It’ll 50X your interview rate, though it doesn’t guarantee you a job.

But even if you don’t get the job, you’ll still win in these 6 ways, as Isaac outlines in this 4 minute post.

1. You’ll probably get some kind of response
2. You’ll learn about industries and roles
3. You’ll learn about yourself
4. You’ll gain transferable skills
5. You’ll still build confidence
6. You might even have fun

“Once you burn your resume and break out of the box, the job hunt becomes a creative challenge. It’s a game. Part treasure hunt (finding jobs that interest you), part investigative work (researching), part hunting expedition (pitching). You can actually enjoy the process, get goofy, get interesting, be playful.”

Quote of the Day

“Do the best you can until you know better.
Then when you know better, do better.”
— Maya Angelou