This post originally appeared as issue 219 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.
What do you really really really want?
When you were growing up, your parents and teachers likely never asked you, “hey, what do you really really really WANT?”
On the contrary, they often said things like “you can’t just do whatever you want,” and “you need to grow up and take responsibility.”
Being mature and taking responsibility are valuable, but why are they often equated with pain, and squelching your desires?
Instead, why not unleash your true desires?
Sure, you might need to earn it with real effort, but happiness is your birthright.
Go after it. Dream big. No one can stop you, except yourself.
(FYI, you can uncover self-knowledge about your professional desires via the exercises in our free Career Crash Course).
Isaac Morehouse – The Ultimate Career Crasher
Our founder Isaac recently appeared on the Essential 11 podcast, giving a workshop to young people with career advice.
But the advice applies to anyone at any age. Some highlights:
– Isaac’s story, questioning the college system
– How an 18 year old with no degree or experience can beat out the entire candidate pool
– What Isaac looks for when someone wants to work for him
– How to dream big
Add it to your podcast player today. Maybe listen in the car, (and skip the news).
Quote of the Day
“What is one thing you can do today that your future self will thank you for?”
— Hannah Braime