This post originally appeared as issue 205 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Send a Second Pitch

Let’s say you landed an interview after you emailed a video pitch.

Awesome! Don’t let up. After the interview, you could send a follow up Thank You email that also includes a second pitch, sharing how you’re even more pumped for the role. Maybe include a 30-day action plan, too.

Point is, go above and beyond.

When you take this mindset, and keep persisting, you WILL get a job.

Grow Your Career

Even if you’re already employed, you want to keep building your career and your network.

A great way to do this is via email outreach to current employees at other companies.

It can be really low pressure, just ask for 15 minutes of their time in order to learn more about what they’re doing! Most employees would be flattered to talk about themselves while you listen and ask questions. You’ll learn and set yourself up for your NEXT opportunity.

Not sure what to say when you reach out? Here is an email template you can use in this Job Hunt Email Templates post on our blog.

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