This post originally appeared as issue 200 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

Life is too short to lose your spark, too short to not chase your dreams.

Stay hungry, stay foolish. Follow your bliss.

And do the work to get there.

How to Follow Up

After you email a pitch to a human at a company, you’ll likely hear back quickly, because sending something different is so compelling!

But if needed, keep following up every 48-72 hours, with a cadence like this:

Day 1 – Email Pitch
Day 3 – quick one line follow up in email thread
Day 6 – follow up in email thread
Day 8 – send pitch again on LinkedIn or Twitter
Day 10 – follow up in email thread
Day 12 – follow up email again, with added value like custom blog post
Day 15 – follow up LinkedIn or Twitter

And so forth. Stay creative and persistent until you get a clear response. In our experience working with thousands of job seekers, you’ll get an 80% response rate from the hiring manager.

Also, you can use a tool like to remind you in your email inbox!

Quote of the Day

″I stand in awe of anyone who hatches a dream and who shows the guts to hang tough, all alone, and see it through to reality.”
― Steven Pressfield