This post originally appeared as issue 20 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Abundance mindset

Hey. Happy Friday from The DJH. We’re your number one supporter. Reply to our emails and we’ll write back (promise).

As you invest in yourself this weekend, boost your abundance mindset.

Instead of “I have to get a job,” think “I get to choose a new job.”

Instead of “I need money,” think “I get to create value.”

Replace “I don’t have enough skills,” with “how can I learn new skills?”

Language matters!

And opportunity is everywhere, if you choose to see the world with a wider frame.

Shred your resume

Remember the venture capitalist Russ Hanneman from the show Silicon Valley? He’s a legend… and his take on resumes is totally awesome. Watch this 1 minute clip.

Pic of the Day