This post originally appeared as issue 198 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Stop Saying Should

Skip the self-talk of “I should.”

“I should grow my career.”
“I should be more productive.”
“I should build my network.”

This sets you up to live via duty or obligation, not choice, freedom, excitement, or joy.

So, replace “should” with language like ….

“I’d like to grow my career.”
It’d benefit me to be more productive.”
“I want to build my network.”

This subtle shift can change everything for you, and catapult you to do work that makes you come alive.

How to Know Your Purpose in 5 Minutes

In this solid TED Talk, Adam Leipzig shows you that you already know your life’s purpose…you just need to admit it to yourself.

Highly recommend watching this. Follow along with him and you’ll have your “purpose statement’ ready to go, in less than 5 minutes.

P.S. Once you know your life purpose, you’ll want to take action. So go find companies whose mission matches what you want to do!

Quote of the Day

“Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.”
—Napoleon Hill