This post originally appeared as issue 197 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Skip the New Year’s Resolution

Lots of people are reflexively setting their resolutions for 2022. But as we know, New Year’s resolutions rarely work.

What does work?

Playing games.

Set little mini-challenges for yourself to catalyze a growth spurt.

– Do a 7 day blogging challenge
– Start learning the guitar, but just in the month of March
– Do 1 push up a day for 60 days
– Dive into a course on Skillshare, but just for 15 minutes a day
Make a podcast about marketing, but just do 5 episodes
– Apply to 5 jobs without using a resume

Putting a small timeframe on goals makes them a game. Then you are not telling yourself, “I will do this habit from now and forever,” which is why people give up so easily on their resolutions, come February.

Lower the barrier to entry.

Short Video

Just shoot a 30-60 second video and send it to a company. You could be wearing sweatpants. Here’s one Alex made.

Quote of the Day

“Creativity takes courage.”
― Henri Matisse