This post originally appeared as issue 189 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Sweep Streets, with Artistry

At the height of his influence, Martin Luther King Jr. took the time to speak to a group of middle school students. The essence of his message was this:

“Don’t let anybody every rob you of your somebody-ness.”

You matter. You’re the only YOU who will ever exist. Bring pride and ownership to your daily work, even if right now you’re working a so-called “menial” job.

MLK went on to say,

“If it is your lot to sweep streets, then sweep streets like Michelangelo painted…..sweep streets as though all the hosts of heaven were watching you and they say, ‘there lived the greatest street sweeper the world has ever seen.'”

(Wow…I’m getting goosebumps just writing this….)

No matter what you are doing with your time – you have the choice to bring craft and excellence to it. Living this mindset will cultivate meaning and purpose, no matter the next step you choose to take in your career.

Hold your head high.

P.S. Listen to Ken Coleman tell this story on The Minimalists podcast, timestamped here.

How to Make a Great Video Pitch

We teach people to ditch the resume and send something compelling and humanized, like a 1-2 minute video pitch. But do you say in that video?

1. Tell the company why you love them
2. Tell ’em why you’ll be a great fit
3. Connect the dots as to why that matters for them

Watch this quick video from Isaac fleshing it out.

Quote of the Day

“Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.”
– Jim Rohn