This post originally appeared as issue 188 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Make a Mock Script

If going for a customer success role, send a mock script of how you would respond to a customer who needs a problem solved (it can be really short – here’s an example).

Going for a sales role? Send a mock script (or video) of how you would make a cold-call. Here are tips.

Want any role? Just ask yourself, “how can I create extra value to show how I would do the job?”

Go above and beyond, and you’ll cut through the noise of hundreds of job applicants, and land interviews left and right.

Turn “We Should” into “I Did”

If you want to make organizational changes at your job, turn “we should” into “I did.”

Instead of telling your team, “we should make a new website,” just draft up the new website and show your team what you did.

Rather than, “we should organize the Google Drive,” just organize the Google Drive and show your team what you did.

Or instead of “we should use this new software,” just start using a new software tool on your own, and show your co-workers how its improving your workflow.

(A similar mindset can be applied to landing a job, with the “I went ahead and made this for you” approach. See above section of this email).

Hear more in this clip from the Office Hours Podcast.

^^You can find this video in our free Crash Course, btw.
^^You can find this video in our free Crash Course, btw.

Quote of the Day

“The easiest things are usually the least meaningful things.”
— The Minimalists