This post originally appeared as issue 185 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Do Something

If you feel stuck in analysis paralysis, just do something.

Any time you act – even if the “wrong” action – you will build momentum.

If you’re still not sure what to do, then start our Career Crash Course now. It’s free.

No one gives a shit about you

In the most caring way, Ed Latimore drops the truth: no one really cares about you.

But this is liberating. It means the ball is in 100% in your court to make things happen.

“Your boss doesn’t give a shit if you come to work. He cares if you make his job more difficult because of your absence, but he doesn’t REALLY care what happens to you.

It’s not malicious. He’s just got his own shit to worry about. So he doesn’t give a shit about you.”

“People care about themselves and how a situation will increase what’s valuable to them. If you understand that sentence, you’ll never have a problem again.”

P.S. We do care about you discovering and doing what makes you come alive. Just don’t count on us to do the work for you. ; )

Meme of the Day