This post originally appeared as issue 183 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

You Don’t Need to Follow the Rules

You think you’re supposed to apply to job postings a certain way, through the online job posting, the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). You fear that if you don’t, you’ll disqualify yourself, because you didn’t follow the rules.

It’s almost like if you don’t apply via the ATS, you’re afraid you’ll get in trouble, like doing the wrong homework assignment in school.

But you know what?

Fuck homework assignments. Fuck the ATS.

You’re not a slave who has to follow certain rules. You are a free agent who is capable of creating massive value and blowing the socks off the hiring manager.

A company is not your “authority” that lays down the law. They are also free agents and they are just trying to hire the best talent.

Prove you are the best talent. Use email to send something creative and different, and persistently follow up until you get the interview.

No one can stop you, except the voices in your head.

Forge your path. Make it happen on your own terms. You won’t get in trouble, you’ll achieve wild success.

Use Loom is a great free tool to make not just videos, but screencasts. A screencast (in case you didn’t know) is where you record your computer screen while giving audio commentary.

A screencast is great to prove your ability to use a tech tool that you know, or are learning. You can do a super short overview like this one Crash user Bailey made about the TextExpander tool.

Quote of the Day

“Creating opportunities means looking where others are not.”
– Mark Cuban