This post originally appeared as issue 171 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

How I Stood Out

I remember the first time I pitched a company.

I was making a career change, from the public sector to the private sector, and I wasn’t sure I had what it would take.

But I acted anyway.

I thought I would try going into sales, because I had some hustle, though no formal experience.

I just went for it, and sent a video pitch for a BDR role in Denver. I emailed the hiring manager directly.

She responded within three hours. I got an interview.

I pitched a dozen more companies using Crash, getting interviews 80% of the time. I once got an interview for a role that “required” 2-3 years sales experience, and had 1400 applicants. The recruiter got my pitch and she said it made her day. Not only that, it was “the best application she had seen in her 20 year career.” Why? Likely because I went deep and poured real time and effort into something tailored to THAT company.

Here’s that pitch, by the way.

With these pitches, I kept getting 2nd or 3rd or 4th place for the actual job offer. But it was a blessing, because eventually I pitched Crash (when they weren’t hiring), because well, I sort of wanted to work here the whole time anyway. ; ) I love our mission to help people discover and do what makes them come alive.

Hopefully my story gives you some value.
— Joel

Quote of the Day

“You are what you do, not what you say you do.”
–  Carl Jung