This post originally appeared as issue 158 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

1% a Day

Improving 1% a day = 3700% a year.

Yes, really!

How can you make yourself 1% more valuable today?

-Start learning a new skill
-Start showing your work
-Start connecting to employees on LinkedIn
-Start a podcast
-Start writing handwritten thank you notes
-Start doing 1-push up per day

The key word, of course, is start.

Start building a momentum.

Make excellence and growth and habit, and watch the results compound.

Your Future Self will thank you.

Startup Jobs

Even without tons of experience, it’s easier than ever to land a remote startup job.

Bookmark this site: Startup.Jobs, and begin diving in to the land of opportunity.

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