This post originally appeared as issue 147 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Three Mindsets to Avoid

The Preparation Mindset. You make sure everything is completely researched, all ducks in a row, and all contingency plans in place.

Avoid this. Hold a bias for action.

The Permission-Based Mindset: You don’t act unless you’re sure you’re allowed to by some supposed authority.

Forget that. Just go do and create.

The Perfection Mindset: You won’t finish anything until it’s perfectly polished, pristine, and flawless.

That’ll never happen. Just ship it before it’s ready.

From Server to Startup

Do you have restaurant server experience? Don’t dismiss it. You gained valuable soft skills there!

Those skills are enough to pitch yourself to work at a fast-growing startup. Your skills are more transferable than you think.

TK Coleman connects the dots in his podcast episode, From Server to Startup.

“You’re not an order taker. You’re an experienced consultant. You’re here to create a certain kind of experience for your customer. And that begins with building rapport, building trust and getting them to open up to you. And then figuring out how you can sell them something that they don’t even know they need, but they’re going to thank you for later.”

Quote of the Day

“I am not here on earth to live up to someone else’s expectations.”

― Nathaniel Branden