This post originally appeared as issue 142 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Worst and Best Case Scenario

Are you worried about your job hunt or career?

Ease that feeling by plotting out the worst-case-scenarios.

Maybe it’s:
– Running out of savings
– Getting fired
– Changing industries
– Your spouse getting mad at you

When you mentally run through your fears, they have less power over you.

But the same goes for best case scenarios. Fear of success is real, too. What if you had wild success, like landing a job you absolutely love?

Do you fear:
-Losing your friends, because they’re bitter at your new happiness
-Losing sympathy from others, for being unemployed
-New responsibilities that come from a higher income

Brace for your fears.
Release their grip on you.

Be free to go for what you really want.

Make a Good Impression on Zoom (and Skip Fatigue)

Especially for work-from-jobs, your job interview is likely to be on Zoom. In this 2 minute article, learn tips on how to make a successful impression. Our top two tips from the article:

Look into the camera
“….train yourself to look at and speak to the camera on your computer. This trick will make it appear you are looking directly at the interviewer rather than elsewhere on the screen.”

Use the mute button
“Using this feature while the interviewer is speaking will eliminate background noise for the speaker, allowing them to think and speak more clearly.”

(Also, here’s a bonus article, from Psychology Today: 10 Tips to Prevent Zoom Fatigue).

Quote of the Day

“When you’ve got 10,000 people trying to do the same thing, why would you want to be number 10,001?”

— Mark Cuban