This post originally appeared as issue 14 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Don’t Overthink It

Think clearly, act concisely.

That’s a good formula to get a job.

The first thing you have to do is stop and think. Don’t just mindlessly ship out applications and resumes. Think about roles and companies that interest you and what you can send them to really get their attention.

Then stop thinking!

People who are sharp enough to stop and think about the job hunt instead of just plodding along like the masses are often also people who can think too much. Don’t overthink!

Pick a few good targets. Make them something hard to ignore. Send it. Follow up.

That’s it. It doesn’t need to be perfect. Just deliberate, genuine, and persistent.

P.S. Follow us on Twitter. It’s fun. Don’t think twice about it. ; )

3 Tips to Shoot a Video Pitch

We think a video pitch is a surefire way to stand out on the job hunt. You’ll jump to the top 1% of job seekers. Have fun and smile!

More tips from a guy named Isaac. (3 min.)

Quote of the Day

“As our society gets more complex and our people get more complacent, the role of the jester is more vital than ever before. Please stop sitting around. We need you to make a ruckus.”

Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?