This post originally appeared as issue 130 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Everyone farts

It’s easy to compare your behind-the-scenes insecurities to everyone else’s highlight reel.

“Oh look, that person did amazing work, but he doesn’t have MY problems.”

How do you know?

Just remember, everyone farts, not just you.

So give yourself some grace, accept the struggles you have, and get to work.


Remote and hybrid jobs are more common than ever. If you want that type of flexibility rather, use FlexJobs to find cool opportunities! See jobs that are part-time, freelance, full-time, work-at-home, and more.

(Then pitch that company by sending an email to a human).

Quote of the Day

“Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success.”
— Scott Adams