This post originally appeared as issue 128 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Skip the Cover Letter

You don’t need a resume OR a cover letter. What a relief, huh?

Just get creative and email a video pitch real quick.

30 seconds will do. And remember, the goal isn’t perfection, it’s completion.

See more in our Guide to Cover Letters.

“We’ll Keep Your Resume on File”

It sucks when you get a generic response of “we’ll keep your resume on file.”

But maybe you need to give them something better to keep on file, like a portfolio of projects.

Learn more in this short blog post from Seth Godin.

“If you’re seeking to be in someone’s file, it helps to build up a body of work, and to maintain a presence on the web so that people can see who you are and what you do.”

(Learn to build your portfolio here).

Quote of the Day

“Portfolios are everything, promises are nothing. Do the work.”
— Chase Jarvis