This post originally appeared as issue 124 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

How to Zig

How to zig when everyone zags?

Yesterday we said everyone on the job hunt does the same one-click mindless application thing.

You should do something different. Instead, pick just a handful of companies that really get you fired up. Research them. Make something for them. Add a short video pitch to the hiring manager by name. Find their email and send it directly.

Be different. Be genuine.

The Daily Job Hunt Audio Edition

The DJH is now in audio form, with 2-5 minutes podcasts. Go listen while you cook, drive, lift dumbbells, or whatever. But keep reading the email too, because as they say, “repetition is the mother of talent.”

Listen here.

Quote of the Day

“Worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.”
— Mark Twain