This post originally appeared as issue 122 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Startups > Corporate Jobs

Some people think that a good, stable job with a title at a large corporation is safer than working at a high-growth startup that may fail in the next 18 months.

They are wrong.

If you work at a brand new, venture-backed startup, frantically trying to grow, even if it fails in 18 months, you don’t.

Startup founders and employees create or work for other startups. They disperse when one company fails, and three new ones are born. An inside sales rep at one software startup has more opportunity at ten other startups than anyone chained to the tight corporate structure of one megacorp.

Plus, startups are fun, meaningful, and exciting!

Learn more from our Guide to Startups found on the members-only page.

Use Our Job Clipper

As you find job postings at cool companies, use our Chrome Browser Extension!

Capture and link the job straight to a pitch builder in your Crash account (make sure you create your free account if you haven’t yet). Then, shoot your video!

Quote of the Day

“Bravery is the solution to regret.”
— Robin Sharma