This post originally appeared as issue 115 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Connect the Dots

In your video pitch to a company, tell them what you’ve done and why that matters to them.

“You need a highly organized operations person. As an event planner, I increased ticket sales 30% through executing detailed plans monthly.”

“You need an SDR who consistently shows up and hits quota. I’ve blogged 60 days in a row, so I get consistency.”

Connect the dots for them to show you are the best candidate.

You Don’t Need a College Degree

College is dead. It’s been dead.

You can be your own credential by learning and showing skills on your own, and pitching companies without relying on “I have XYZ degree.”

Watch this 9 min. video from Isaac for explanation and inspiration.

Quote of the Day

“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.”
― David Allen, Getting Things Done