This post originally appeared as issue 11 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Facing rejection

You know how you apply to a job and never hear back?

Of course you do. That’s why you’re reading the DJH. You’re tired of the ghosting. It sucks.

Or, you hear back with a “the position has been filled” email, and no feedback about YOU.

Time to turn that frustration into action.

No more Mr. Nice Guy. Bust down the fence this week! Be legendary and stand out. (3 min. inspo vid)

Forget the resume and the job posting.

Make time each day, and build a pitch to one company you like. Just one.

Then send it to a human at a company.

Do it by Friday.

You got this!

Do It

Move. The. Needle. Forward.