This post originally appeared as issue 108 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Play Games

Instead of brute forcing yourself to work hard, make your job hunt a series of little games:

Lighten up. If you fail, it’s only a game!

(But you might actually get better results).

3 Books You Gotta Buy

Don’t Do Stuff You Hate – $15
Stop focusing on what you want, what you love, what your calling or passion is. Start focusing on what you hate, what makes you bored, what’s draining your sense of excitement.

Crash Your Career – $6
Be your own credential. That’s the point of this book in one sentence. It’s everything we teach at the DJH, in a pocketbook.

Forward Tilt: An Almanac for Personal Growth – $10
Forward tilt separates the exceptional from the average. It’s a mindset. Having forward tilt means having drive and energy. And it catalyzes your job hunt.

Quote of the Day

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
— George Bernard Shaw