This post originally appeared as issue 104 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Sell Yourself

You have talent.

But nobody is going to know you have talent if you don’t PROVE it.

This is why portfolios are key.

Document projects
– Write blog posts describing your past accomplishments
Learn Out Loud

You don’t need to build your portfolio overnight. Just start making progress.

Focus on what’s in front of you

If you’re looking to leverage into your first job at a fast-growing company (like a startup), don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have a linear “career path” over the long term.

Just get that first opportunity. Your second opportunity will emerge from the first.

Mitchell Earl brings awesome advice in his Quora post.

This reframing is important for several reasons:

  • First, you most likely won’t have a ton of valuable experience leading up to your first job. So, think about it in terms of where you could gain the most value….
  • Second, you most likely won’t stay at your first job forever. So, look for a company that’s doing something really interesting to you…..
  • Third, this question makes you narrow down your options, by eliminating a lot of things that may sound good or fun but don’t offer a ton of return for the time you’ll put in….

Quote of the Day

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.”
— Stephen King