A Career Hackers Classic, this post originally appeared in full on the blog of Ramit Sethi, finance advisor and entrepreneur.

Our takeaways:

  • How can you create value up front? How can you show, instead of tell? That’s the essence of the Briefcase Technique.
  • In an interview, you pull out your briefcase and give them your proposal for what you plan to do for them.
  • Be sure to do tons of research ahead of time.
  • This technique is great in the interview, as well as for getting an interview.

A great excerpt:

Brainstorm ways you could add value above and beyond what you’ve already done.

Some sample ideas:

  • Maybe there’s a project you could lead?
  • Maybe you’ve got an idea for a system that could streamline communication?
  • Maybe you’re willing to get additional training and certifications to take on more responsibilities?
  • Create a specific plan for how you can solve problems in their company
  • Or any other ideas you have that could help your employer or client out

These are the things you’ll SHOW — not tell — your boss or client so they KNOW you are someone who delivers real results.

Read the full post here.

Ramit Sethi is an American personal finance advisor and entrepreneur.[2] Sethi is the author of the 2009 New York Times Best Seller, I Will Teach You to Be Rich.