Hedonism as Life Purpose

“Christian Hedonism”.  I encountered this phrase when I was about 16 and studying theology.  The concept had a big impact and stuck with me.  Whether or not you are religious there’s something powerful in it.I believe it was a theologian named John Piper who coined...

Know Thyself, Sell Thyself

A good way to speed up your professional prospects is to learn more about yourself.  What comes easier for you than most people?  What problems that nag others are you pretty good at solving?  What don’t you absolutely hate (you don’t have to love it) that others find...

Compound Your Worth

Would you prefer to have one million dollars in one month, or have a penny, doubled every day for that same month?It’s a popular question that illustrates the power of compounding.  The penny, doubled every day, equals more than five million dollars in a thirty day...